
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Taurus englannista suomeksi

  1. Taurus

  2. Härkä

  3. härkä

  1. Härkä

Taurus englanniksi

  1. (senseid) A constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a bull and containing the star Aldebaran.

  2. (mero)

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Titus)

  4. (senseid) The zodiac sign for the bull, ruled by Venus and covering April 21 - May 21 (astrology) or May 16 - June 15 (astrology).

  5. (''automobile'') An automobile model produced by the Ford Motor Company (1986-present).

  6. Someone with a Taurus sign

  7. (place), almost 4000 metres high and running parallel to the Mediterranean coast

  8. (l) (gloss)

  9. (alternative form of)