
suomi-englanti sanakirja

constellation englannista suomeksi

  1. tähtikuvio, tähdistö

  2. asetelma

  1. Substantiivi

  2. tähtikuvio

  3. tähdistö

  4. rykelmä, joukko

  5. joukko, kirjo

  6. suhdeverkosto

  7. muodostelma

constellation englanniksi

  1. An arbitrary formation of stars perceived as a figure (especially one from mythology) or pattern, or a division of the sky including it, especially one officially recognized by astronomers; an asterism.

  2. (RQ:King James Version) commeth, cruell both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land deſolate; and he ſhall deſtroy the ſinners thereof out of it. For the ſtarres of heauen, and the conſtellations thereof ſhall not giue their light: the ſunne ſhalbe darkened in his going forth, and the moone ſhall not cauſe her light to ſhine.

  3. (RQ:Donne Poems)

  4. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Nathanael Brooke,(nb...)|year=1675|page=25|pageurl=|oclc=|passage=Next the cold Bears, (the Cauſe t' himſelf beſt knovvn) / Shines forth a kneeling Conſtellation. / Behind vvhoſe Back ''Arctophylax'' appears, / The ſame ''Boötes'' call'd, becauſe yoak'd Steers / He ſeeming drives; vvho through the rapid Skies / (Bearing ''Arcturus'' in his Boſome) hies.

  5. (quote-book)|year=1824|page=73|pageurl=|oclc=950910684|passage=(smallcaps), or the Harp of George, is a new constellation introduced on the maps by one of the German astronomers, in honour of the late king of England, (w).

  6. (RQ:Emerson Complete Works)

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. Any of the 88 regions of the sky officially recognized by the (w), including all stars and body|celestial bodies in the region. (defdate)

  9. A configuration or grouping of related things.

  10. (quote-book)

  11. A wide, seemingly unlimited, assortment.

  12. (ux)

  13. (RQ:Boyle Occasional Reflections)

  14. (quote-book), dressed in green to symbolize the forest, dodged fines for forest offenses and stole from the rich to give to the poor. But his appeal was painfully real and embodied the struggle over wood.

  15. (synonym of)

  16. A network of connections between people who are in polyamorous relationships, for example between a person, their partner, and that person's partner.

  17. A fleet of satellites used for the same purpose.

  18. (quote-journal)|magazine=(magazine)|Time|archiveurl=|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=(w)|date=13 December 2021|volume=|number=|page=|pageurl=|column=|issn=0040-781X|oclc=909343854|text=With its (w) program, (w) hopes to launch a constellation of as many as 42,000 satellites to provide Internet service to the world.

  19. The configuration of planets at a given time (especially a person's birth), as believed to affect events on Earth, or used for determining a horoscope.

  20. (RQ:Elyot Governour)

  21. (RQ:Eliot Romola)

  22. A person's character or inclinations, supposedly determined by their horoscope.

  23. (RQ:Shakespeare Twelfth Night)

  24. (l) (all senses)