
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Fang englannista suomeksi

  1. Fang

  1. Substantiivi

Fang englanniksi

  1. fang

  1. A people of western Africa.

  2. The dominant Bantu language of Gabon and Equatorial Guinea, spoken by 1.3 million people, also called Pahouin.

  3. A Beboid language of Cameroon, spoken by only 2400 people, so called because it is spoken in the village of Fang.

  4. (place).

  5. {{quote-book

  6. {{quote-web

  7. {{quote-journal

  8. (seemoreCites)

  9. (surname)

  10. Fang people

  11. Fang language (Pahouin)

  12. catch, capture

  13. booty, prey

  14. haul, draught

  15. fang, talon, claw, tusk

  16. de grâce

  17. hunting, fishing (gloss)