
suomi-englanti sanakirja

с englanniksi

  1. (Cyrl-def)

  2. in the company of, alongside, with, and

  3. (ux)

  4. (n-g), with

  5. (n-g), with, by, means of

  6. (n-g), in

  7. (n-g), with, by

  8. (n-g), with, over

  9. (n-g), with, of

  10. (n-g), with, to, towards, of

  11. (n-g)

  12. (n-g), for, by, with

  13. (n-g), for, in

  14. (n-g), by, with

  15. (n-g), with, to

  16. (n-g), with, against

  17. (n-g), with, of, by

  18. (uxi)

  19. (Cyrl-def)|19

  20. (+obj)

  21. with

  22. with (i)

  23. from, off, from off, from below (i)

  24. of, since (i)

  25. from (i)

  26. for, about (i)

  27. centi- (gloss)

  28. with, together with, along with (+obj)

  29. (quote-book)

  30. радити с неким — to work with somebody

    свађати се с неким — to quarrel with somebody

    ратовати с неким — to wage war with somebody

    д(ј)евојка с плавом косом — a girl with blonde hair

    с годинама долази мудрост — with age comes wisdom

    с љубављу — with love

  31. miscellaneous prepositional senses in various phrases (+obj)

  32. шта/што је с тобом? — what's wrong with you?

    с временом — in time

    поздравити се с неким — to greet somebody

  33. from, off (+obj)

  34. пао сам са стабла — I fell from the tree

    с друге стране — on the other side

    са запада — from the west

    с леђа — from the back

    проматрати с прозора — to observe from the window

    људи с планине — people from the mountain

  35. of (= (m), (m)) (+obj)

  36. с тог разлога — because of that reason

  37. neuter gender ((m) (m))