


  1. kyljys

  2. isku, lyönti

  3. halkeama

Liittyvät sanat: dice



  1. chopper.

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leukapieli A cut of meat, often containing a section of a rib.


1957, w:J. D. Salinger|J. D. Salinger, "Zooey", in, 1961, w:Franny and Zooey|Franny and Zooey:
I was standing at the meat counter, waiting for some rib lamb chops to be cut.
A blow with an axe, cleaver, or similar utensil.
puhekieltä A blow delivered with the hand rigid and outstretched.
ocean Ocean waves, generally caused by wind, distinguished from swell by being smaller and not lasting as long.
puhekieltä A hand where two or more players have an equal-valued hand, resulting in the chips being shared equally between them.
puhekieltä Termination, especially from employment.
puhekieltä A crack or cleft; a chap.
puhekieltä To cut into pieces with short, vigorous cutting motions.

chop wood; chop an onion

puhekieltä To sever with an axe or similar implement.

Chop off his head.

puhekieltä To hit the ball downward so that it takes a high bounce.
puhekieltä To divide the pot (or tournament prize) between two or more players. (rfe)
puhekieltä To make a quick, heavy stroke or a series of strokes, with or as with an ax.
puhekieltä To do something suddenly with an unexpected motion; to catch or attempt to seize.
(rfdate) (w)
Out of greediness to get both, he chops at the shadow, and loses the substance.
puhekieltä To interrupt; with in or out.
This fellow interrupted the sermon, even suddenly chopping in.
puhekieltä To remove the final character from (a text string).
puhekieltä To exchange, to barter; to swap.
1644, (w), Aeropagitica:
this is not to put down Prelaty, this is but to chop an Episcopacy; this is but to translate the Palace Metropolitan from one kind of dominion into another, this is but an old canonicall sleight of commuting our penance.
We go on chopping and changing our friends.
To chap or crack.
puhekieltä To vary or shift suddenly.

The wind chops about.

To wrangle; to altercate; to bandy words.
Francis Bacon
Let not the counsel at the bar chop with the judge.
puhekieltä A jaw of an animal.
A movable jaw or cheek, as of a vice.
The land at each side of the mouth of a river, harbour, or channel.

East Chop; West Chop

A change; a vicissitude.


An official stamp or seal.
Mark indicating nature, quality, or brand.

silk of the first chop

puhekieltä An IRC channel operator.
1996, Peter Ludlow, High Noon on the Electronic Frontier (page 404)
IRC supports mechanisms for the enforcement of acceptable behaviour on IRC. Channel operators — "chanops" or "chops" — have access to the /kick command, which throws a specified user out of the given channel.


chop rimmaa näiden kanssa:

hiphop, shop, workshop

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