


  1. (rikoksesta) josta saa kuolemanrangaistuksen

  2. tärkein

  3. kohtalokas (virhe)

  4. (kirjaimesta) iso

Esimerkkejä capital sanan käytöstä:

capital offense

Liittyvät sanat: capitalize , capitalization



  1. ensisijainen, keskeinen, pää-, pääasiallinen, valio, ylivoimainen, erinomainen, ainutlaatuinen, loistava, mahtava, suurenmoinen.

Lisää synonyymejää






loistava puhekieltä Already-produced durable goods available for use as a factor of production, such as steam shovels (equipment) and office buildings (structures).
puhekieltä money Money and wealth. The means to acquire goods and services, especially in a non-barter system.


puhekieltä A city designated as a legislative seat by the government or some other authority, often the city in which the government is located; otherwise the most important city within a country or a subdivision of it.
puhekieltä The most important city in the field specified.
2010 September, Charlie Brennan, "Active Athletes", w:St. Louis Magazine|St. Louis magazine, ISSN 1090-5723, volume 16, issue 9, page 83:
Hollywood is the film capital, New York the theater capital, Las Vegas the gambling capital.
puhekieltä An uppercase letter.
puhekieltä The uppermost part of a column.
puhekieltä knowledge Knowledge; awareness; proficiency.
Of prime importance.
(rfdate) (w)
a capital article in religion
1852, Isaac Taylor, Saturday Evening
whatever is capital and essential in Christianity
Chief, in a political sense, as being the seat of the general government of a state or nation.

London and Paris are capital cities.

puhekieltä Excellent.

That is a capital idea!

Involving punishment by death.
many crimes that are capital among us
to put to death a capital offender
2002, (w), The Great Nation, Penguin 2003, p. 517:
Some 1,600 priests were deported, for example, while the total number of capital victims of the military commissions down to 1799 was only around 150.
uppercase Uppercase.

One begins a sentence with a capital letter.

Of or relating to the head.
Needs must the Serpent now his capital bruise / Expect with mortal pain.
(l) (gloss)
(l) (money)

La peine capitale est abolie en France depuis les années 1980.

(senseid) puhekieltä (l); (l) (gloss)
(senseid) puhekieltä (l) (gloss)
(senseid) puhekieltä anything of prime importance
(senseid) (l) (gloss)
puhekieltä (l)
(l), important

Es asunto de capital importancia = "(This) is a very important matter"

Lo condenaron a la (l) capital = "He was sentenced to death penalty" (rare, "pena de muerte" is commonly used)


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