Esimerkkejä campus sanan käytöstä:
to live on campus asua kampuksella
to live off campus asua kampuksen ulkopuolella
englanti |
kampus, kampusalue
The grounds or property of a school, college, university, business, church, or hospital, often understood to include buildings and other structures.
To confine to campus as a punishment. (l) (gloss) (l) (l) (of university) open Open flat level ground: a plain, a natural field.
w:Plautus Plautus, Trin., 4, 1, 15: The comitia centuriata, which met on the Campus Martius. A field of action: scope. A field of debate: a topic. An opportunity. The produce of a field.
Läheisiä sanoja
camembertjuusto, cameorooli, camping, campus, canasta, cancan