


  1. kuula, luoti

  2. luettelomerkki, •.

  3. bullet-shakki

Liittyvät sanat: blitz



  1. luoti, kuula, kuti, pati, ammus, luotijuna, shinkansen, dumdumluoti, räjähtävä luoti, täysvaippaluoti, henkilöjuna, matkustajajuna, ohjus.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: bulletlaina.



kuti, luoti, ammus, pati

luotijuna A projectile, usually of metal, shot from a gun at high speed.
puhekieltä An entire round of unfired ammunition for a firearm, including the projectile, the cartridge casing, the propellant charge, etc.
Ammunition for a sling or slingshot which has been manufactured for such use.
puhekieltä A printed symbol in the form of a solid circle, (•), often used in lieu of numbers for marking items in a list. (see also bulleted)
puhekieltä A large scheduled repayment of the principal of a loan; a balloon payment.
A rejection letter, as for employment, admission to a school or a competition.

Johns not going to any of his top schools; he got a bullet from the last of them yesterday.''

puhekieltä One year of prison time
puhekieltä An ace (the playing card).
puhekieltä Anything that is projected extremely fast.
{{quote-journal|date=January 19, 2011
puhekieltä very Very fast (gloss).

bullet train

bullet chess

puhekieltä A small ball.
1881, s:Robert Louis Stevenson|Robert Louis Stevenson, s:Virginibus Puerisque|Virginibus Puerisque:
Would you not suppose these persons had been whispered, by the Master of the Ceremonies, the promise of some momentous destiny? and that this lukewarm bullet on which they play their farces was the bull's-eye and centrepoint of all the universe?
puhekieltä A cannonball.
A ship before Greenwich (..) shot off her ordnance, one piece being charged with a bullet of stone.
puhekieltä The fetlock of a horse.
puhekieltä To draw attention to (text) by, or as if by, placing a graphic bullet in front of it.
puhekieltä To speed, like a bullet.

Their debut started slow, but bulleted to number six in its fourth week.

puhekieltä To make a shot, especially with great speed.

He bulleted a header for his first score of the season.

puhekieltä (l) (a printed symbol, e.g. •, used for marking items in a list) (defdate)
(inflection of)


  • "Shoulda saved a bullet for some of you blokes. (Olisi pitänyt säästää luoti myös sinun kavereillesi.)"


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