


  1. en-v-taivm|b|een|pperf=be

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englanti (inflection of)
puhekieltä (inflection of)

Assembled been a senate grave and stout. — Fairfax.

1584, (w), The Arraignment of Paris, I, ii
My love is fair, my love is gay,
As fresh as been the flowers in May;
(circa) (w), (w), II
Where when men been, there's seldom ease;
1641, (w), The Sad Shepherd, I, iii
O Friar, those are faults that are not seen,
Ours open, and of worse example been.
puhekieltä (inflection of)
Robert Browning
Which butterfly of the wide air shall brag“I was preferred to Guido” — when 'tis clearThe cup, he quaffs at, lay with olent breastOpen to gnat, midge, been and moth as well?
puhekieltä leg, limb of a person, horse (other animals have poten) and certain objects (again many have poten)


puhekieltä side, leg
bone, constituent part of a skeleton.
puhekieltä bone, the chalky material bones are made of
(nl-verb form of)
to (l)
1407, w:The Testimony of William Thorpe|The Testimony of William Thorpe, pages 40–41
And I seide, “Ser, in his tyme maister Ioon Wiclef was holden of ful many men the grettis clerk that thei knewen lyuynge vpon erthe. And therwith he was named, as I gesse worthili, a passing reuli man and an innocent in al his lyuynge. And herfore grete men of kunnynge and other also drowen myche to him, and comownede ofte with him. And thei sauouriden so his loore that thei wroten it bisili and enforsiden hem to rulen hem theraftir… Maister Ion Aston taughte and wroot acordingli and ful bisili, where and whanne and to whom he myghte, and he vsid it himsilf, I gesse, right perfyghtli vnto his lyues eende. Also Filip of Repintoun whilis he was a chanoun of Leycetre, Nycol Herforde, dane Geffrey of Pikeringe, monke of Biland and a maistir dyuynyte, and Ioon Purueye, and manye other whiche weren holden rightwise men and prudent, taughten and wroten bisili this forseide lore of Wiclef, and conformeden hem therto. And with alle these men I was ofte homli and I comownede with hem long tyme and fele, and so bifore alle othir men I chees wilfulli to be enformed bi hem and of hem, and speciali of Wiclef himsilf, as of the moost vertuous and goodlich wise man that I herde of owhere either knew. And herfore of Wicleef speciali and of these men I toke the lore whiche I haue taughte and purpose to lyue aftir, if God wole, to my lyues ende.”

1382 w:John Wycliffe|John Wycliffe, translation of the Bible (John 1:48)

Bifor that Filip clepide thee, whanne thou were vndur the fige tree, Y saiy thee.


  • beena: jakaus

  • beena: tukka / hiukset


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