


  1. osallistua, ottaa osaa

  2. olla läsnä/paikalla

  3. käydä (kirkossa, koulua)

  4. seurata, noudattaa (sääntöjä)

  5. osoittaa huomiota

  6. pitää huolta, hoitaa

Liittyvät sanat: attendee , attendance



  1. kuunnella, kiinnittää huomiota, seurata tarkasti, kuunnella tarkkaan, kiinnittää tarkkaa huomiota, takertua, keskittyä, palvella, hoitaa, tarjoilla, huolehtia, avustaa, auttaa, olla avuksi, jeesata, jelpata, jelppiä.

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seurata tarkasti, kuunnella (alternative form of) (gloss).
puhekieltä To listen to (something or someone); to pay attention to; regard; heed. (defdate)
Sir (w) (1554-1586)

The diligent pilot in a dangerous tempest doth not attend the unskilful words of the passenger.
puhekieltä To listen ((m), (m)). (defdate)
(senseid)puhekieltä To turn one's consideration ((m)); to deal with (a task, problem, concern etc.), to look after. (defdate)


puhekieltä To wait upon as a servant etc.; to accompany to assist (someone). (defdate)
(w) (c.1552–1599)
The fifth had charge sick persons to attend.
(w) (1564-1616)
Attends the emperor in his royal court.
(w) (1800-1859)
With a sore heart and a gloomy brow, he prepared to attend William thither.
(senseid)puhekieltä To be present at (an event or place) in order to take part in some action or proceedings; to regularly go to (an event or place). (defdate)
1994, (w), (w), Abacus 2010, p. 20:
I attended a one-room school next door to the palace and studied English, Xhosa, history and geography.
puhekieltä To go to (a place) for some purpose (with (m)).
{{quote-web|author=Supreme Court of Canada|work=R. v. Côté|url=|date=2011|accessdate=2016-05-08
{{quote-web|author=Prince Edward Island Court of Appeal|work=R. v. Yeo|url=|date=2016|accessdate=2016-05-08
To be present with; to accompany; to be united or consequent to.
(w) (1631-1700)
What cares must then attend the toiling swain.
To wait for; to await; to remain, abide, or be in store for.
(w) (1632-1705)
the state that attends all men after this
Three days I promised to attend my doom.
(nl-verb form of)
(inflection of)


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