


  1. ennen

  2. edessä

Esimerkkejä ante sanan käytöstä:

Tengo que aparecer ante el juez.



  1. panos, vedonlyönti, veto, avauspanos, alkupanos, aloituspanos, lyödä vetoa, panna pantiksi, panna likoon, panna peliin, panna vaakalaudalle, riskeerata, panna pöytään avauspanokseksi, maksaa alkupanos.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: anteeksi, anteeksiannettava, anteeksiantamaton, anteeksiantamattomasti, anteeksiantamattomuus, anteeksiantamus.



maksaa alkupanos, panna pöytään avauspanokseksi

avauspanos, aloituspanos, alkupanos A price or cost, as in up the ante.
puhekieltä In poker and other games, the contribution made by all players to the pot before dealing the cards.
To pay the ante in poker. Often used as ante up.
To make an investment in money, effort, or time before knowing one's chances.
before, in front of
elk (qualifier), moose (qualifier) (Alces alces)
before (of time), earlier than


afore, ere; before, earlier
1374, w:Francesco Petrarca|Francesco Petrarca, “Anima, che diverse cose tante”, w:Il Canzoniere|Il Canzoniere, Andrea Bettini (1858), p. 220:
Per quanto non vorreste o poscia od ante ¶ esser giunti al cammin che sì mal tiensi, ¶ per non trovarvi i duo bei lumi accensi, ¶ nè l'orme impresse dell'amate piante?
: How much later, or earlier, do you wish ¶ you had taken the road, that's so hard to follow, ¶ so as not to have met those two bright eyes ¶ or the steps of those beloved feet?
rather than, instead (of)
c. 1362, Buccio di Ranallo, Cronaca aquilana rimata, Forzani (1907), p. 171, “Anima, che diverse cose tante”:
Lo duca de Duraczo respuse «Ad me despiace; ¶ collo re non vollio briga, ante vi vollio pace ...»
: The Duke of Durazzo replied «I disagree; ¶ I wish not for trouble, but rather peace, with the king ...»
(monikko) anta|lang=it
(of space) before, in front, forwards
(of time) before
(of space) before, in front, forwards
(of time) before, previously
auntie; aunt
(inflection of)
(l) (gloss)
(obsolete form of)
in front of, before

Tengo que aparecer ante el juez.

I have to appear before the judge.

puhekieltä (l) (gloss)
puhekieltä (past tense of)


  • antero: tyhmä : Se oli täys antero.

  • sorgen!: anteeksi

  • tsorge!: anteeksi!

  • tsori!: anteeksi!

  • tsorit!: anteeksi!

  • tsorke! : anteeksi! : Tsorge!


ante rimmaa näiden kanssa:

andante, poste restante

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