


  1. teko

  2. teatteri|k=en näytös (näyttämöteoksen osa)

  3. live-esitys t. -esiintyjä

  4. esitys, teeskentely

  5. oikeustiede|k=en laki (yksittäinen, tietty, lainsäädäntöelimen antama säädös)

Esimerkkejä act sanan käytöstä:

a heinous 'act', a criminal 'act'

an 'act' of vandalism, an 'act' of violence, an 'act' of kindness, an 'act' of love

'Act' 1 Scene 3

: 1. näytös 3. kohtaus

The magician eats fire as part of his 'act'.

The band are one of the best live 'acts' around.

She is just putting on an 'act'.

Marriage 'Act'

:(Suomen) avioliittolaki

'Act' on Certain Requirements Concerning Asbestos Removal Work

:(Suomen) laki eräistä asbestipurkutyötä koskevista vaatimuksista

Liittyvät sanat: act on , act out , act up , act upon



  1. tapahtuma, tilaisuus, teko, toimenpide, työ, inhimillinen toiminta, tekeminen, toimi, hankkiminen, saaminen, aiheuttaminen, kausaatio, synnytys.

Lisää synonyymejää




toimenpide, teko

toimia puhekieltä Something done, a deed.


That best portion of a good man's life, / His little, nameless, unremembered acts / Of kindness and of love.
puhekieltä actuality Actuality.
The seeds of plants are not at first in act, but in possibility, what they afterward grow to be.
puhekieltä A product of a legislative body, a statute.
The process of doing something.
puhekieltä A formal or official record of something done.
puhekieltä A division of a theatrical performance.
{{quote-book|year=1905|author=w:Emma Orczy|Baroness Emmuska Orczy
puhekieltä A performer or performers in a show.
puhekieltä Any organized activity.
puhekieltä A display of behaviour.
A thesis maintained in public, in some English universities, by a candidate for a degree, or to show the proficiency of a student.
puhekieltä A display of behaviour meant to deceive.

to put on an act

puhekieltä To do something.

If you dont act soon, you will be in trouble.''

puhekieltä To do (something); to perform.
Jeremy Taylor
that we act our temporal affairs with a desire no greater than our necessity
Industry doth beget by producing good habits, and facility of acting things expedient for us to do.
Uplifted hands that at convenient times / Could act extortion and the worst of crimes.
puhekieltä To perform a theatrical role.

I started acting at the age of eleven in my local theatre.

puhekieltä To behave in a certain way.

Hes acting strangely - I think there's something wrong with him.''

puhekieltä To convey an appearance of being.

He acted unconcerned so the others wouldnt worry.''

To do something that causes a change binding on the doer.

act on behalf of John

puhekieltä To have an effect (on).

High-pressure oxygen acts on the central nervous system and may cause convulsions or death.

Gravitational force acts on heavy bodies.

puhekieltä To play (a role).

Hes been acting Shakespearean leads since he was twelve.''

puhekieltä To feign.

He acted the angry parent, but was secretly amused.

With acted fear the villain thus pursued.
puhekieltä To map via a homomorphism to a group of automorphisms (of).

This group acts on the circle, so it cant be left-orderable!''

puhekieltä To move to action; to actuate; to animate.
Alexander Pope
Self-love, the spring of motion, acts the soul.
(l), deed, action

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