

  1. vapauttaa syytteestä

Liittyvät sanat: acquittal



  1. arvioida, tuomita, arvostella, vapauttaa, päästää, antaa vapauttava päätös, päästää vapaaksi, vapauttaa syytteestä, todeta syyttömäksi, vapauttaa vastuusta, puhdistaa epäilyksistä, puhdistaa, julistaa, leimata.

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onnistua, suoriutua

vapauttaa To declare or find not guilty; innocent.
puhekieltä To set free, release or discharge from an obligation, duty, liability, burden, or from an accusation or charge.

The jury acquitted the prisoner of the charge.

1775, w:Richard Sheridan|Richard Sheridan, The Duenna
His poverty, can you acquit him of that?
1837, w:Thomas Babington Macaulay|Thomas Babington Macaulay, “Lord Bacon” in The Edinburgh Review, July 1837
If he Bacon was convicted, it was because it was impossible to acquit him without offering the grossest outrage to justice and common sense.
puhekieltä To pay for; to atone for
(RQ:Shakespeare Lucrec), line 1071
Till life to death acquit my forced offence.
To discharge, as a claim or debt; to clear off; to pay off; to requite, to fulfill.
(RQ:Chaucer Troilus), 1200
‘Aquyte him wel, for goddes love,’ quod he;
1640, w:Thomas Carew|Thomas Carew, Tasso
Midst foes (as champion of the faith) he ment / That palme or cypress should his painees acquite.
1836, w:Edward Everett|Edward Everett, Orations I-382
I admit it to be not so much the duty as the privilege of an American citizen to acquit this obligation to the memory of his fathers with discretion and generosity.
1844, w:Ralph Waldo Emerson|Ralph Waldo Emerson, “s:Experience Experience” in Essays: second series
We see young men who owe us a new world, so readily and lavishly they promise, but they never acquit the debt; they die young and dodge the account: or if they live, they lose themselves in the crowd.
puhekieltä To clear oneself.
(RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-2), III-ii
Pray God he may acquit him of suspicion!
puhekieltä To bear or conduct oneself; to perform one’s part.

The soldier acquitted himself well in battle.

The orator acquitted himself very poorly.

November 2 2014, Daniel Taylor, " Sergio Agüero strike wins derby for Manchester City against 10-man United,"
Van Gaal responded by replacing Adnan Januzaj with Carrick and, in fairness, the emergency centre-half did exceedingly well given that he has not played since May. McNair also acquitted himself well after Rojo was injured sliding into a challenge with Martín Demichelis
1766, w:Oliver Goldsmith|Oliver Goldsmith, The vicar of Wakefield, xiv
Though this was one of the first mercantile transactions of my life, yet I had no doubt about acquitting myself with reputation.
puhekieltä To release, set free, rescue.
(RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene), I-vii-52
Till I have acquit your captive Knight.
puhekieltä (past participle of)
(RQ:Shakespeare Wives), I-iii
I am glad I am so acquit of this tinder box.
(inflection of)


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