


  1. kierto

  2. vuoro (esim. palvelusvuoro jossain tai viljelykierrosta)

Liittyvät sanat: rotate



  1. liikehdintä, liikahdus, liike, liikkuvuus, pyöriminen, pyörivä liike, pyörimisliike, kiertäminen, airon kääntäminen lappeelleen, kiertoliike.

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pyöriminen, pyörimisliike puhekieltä The act of turning around a centre or an axis.

The earths rotation about its axis is responsible for its being slightly oblate rather than a sphere.''

A single complete cycle around a centre or an axis.

Earths moon completes a rotation every twenty-seven days or so.''

A regular variation in a sequence.

crop rotation

The medical resident finished a two-week rotation in pediatrics and began one in orthopaedics.

puhekieltä An operation on a metric space that is a continuous isometry and fixes at least one point.

The function mapping (x,y) to (&x2212;y,x) is a rotation.

puhekieltä The set of (soplink) of a team.
puhekieltä The step during takeoff when the pilot commands the vehicle to lift the nose wheel off the ground during the takeoff roll.
Repeated play on a radio station, etc.

The new single enjoyed heavy rotation on MTV.

English rotation
act of turning a physical object or a coordinate system around a center or an axis


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