


  1. papu



  1. ihmisen pää, nuppi, kuula, kuuppa, päänuppi, pääkoppa, kallo, kupoli, päälaki, palko, papu, syötävä papu, goa-papu.

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kumauttaa kalloon Any plant of several genera of the taxonomic family Fabaceae that produces large edible seeds or edible seed pods.
2004, T. N. Shivenanda, B. R. V. Iyengar, Phosphorus Management in French Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.), Ramdane Dris, S. Mohan Jain (editors), Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops, Volume 2: Plant Mineral Nutrition and Pesticide Management, page 79,

Beans are a large group of leguminous vegetables that serve as a main source of proteins in human diet. This group comprises several species and some of them are Adzuki bean (Vigna angularis); Broad bean (Vicia faba); Cluster bean (Cyamposis tetragonoloba); French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris);(..).
The large edible seed of such a plant.
The edible seed pod of such a plant.
The bean-like seed of certain other plants, especially coffee; coffee in the general.
An object resembling a pea or bean in shape, often made from plastic or styrofoam and used in large numbers as packing material or as stuffing for beanbags and similar items.
puhekieltä The head or brain.
puhekieltä A guinea coin.
puhekieltä money Money.

I havent got a bean.''

puhekieltä The clitoris.
2010, Cynthia W. Gentry & Dana Fredst, What Women Really Want in Bed: The Surprising Secrets Women Wish Men Knew about Sex, Quiver (2010), ISBN 9781592333394, page 64:
For one, don't stage a full-frontal assault on her bean.
puhekieltä (short for)
„AppletInitializer Methods in this interface are used to initialize Beans that are also applets.“
„The SelectionInList uses three ValueModels to hold the list, the selection and selection index and provides bound bean properties for these models. You can access, observe and replace these ValueModels. This is useful to connect a SelectionInList with other ValueModels; for example you can use the SelectionInList's selection holder as bean channel for a PresentationModel. Since the SelectionInList is a ValueModel, it is often used as bean channel. See the Binding tutorial classes for examples on how to connect a SelectionInList with a PresentationModel.“
puhekieltä To hit deliberately with a projectile, especially in the head.

The pitcher beaned the batter, rather than letting him hit another home run.

(l) (specifically the broad bean)
puhekieltä greenhorn
puhekieltä rude person
woman, wife


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