

  1. sellainen, johon on käytetty siksakkia

  2. sellainen, joka liikkuu edestakaisin siksakin muodostamaa kuviota muistuttavin liikkein



  1. käyrä, mutkainen, siksakkia, kulmikas muoto, kulmikkuus, siksakki, siksak, kulkea, liikkua, mennä, siirtyä, slalom-pujotella, pujotella, kammeta, mutkitella.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



siksak, siksakki


pujotella a line or path that proceeds by sharp turns in alternate alternating directions
one of such sharp turns
Moving in, or having a zigzag.
1820, (w), (w), Chapter 16,http://www.gutenberg.org/files/82/82-h/82-h.htm

The entrance to this ancient place of devotion was under a very low round arch, ornamented by several courses of that zig-zag moulding, resembling shark’s teeth, which appears so often in the more ancient Saxon architecture.
(RQ:Grey Riders)
(...) between two spears of rock, directly in line with his position, showed a zigzag crack that at night would let through the gleam of sky.
To move or to twist in a zigzag manner.
At the base this vent was dark, cool, and smelled of dry, musty dust. It zigzagged so that he could not see ahead more than a few yards at a time.
in a zigzag manner or pattern
English zigzag


zigzag rimmaa näiden kanssa:

jet lag, tag

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