

  1. sanoa jotakin, puhua jostakin, sanoa jollekulle, puhua jollekulle


englanti puhekieltä you You (the people being addressed).
puhekieltä (l) a (l) person by the use of the (l) (m) instead of (m).
1483, Catholicon Anglicum: An English–Latin Wordbook (Monson 168), page 426
To ȝe, vosare jn plurali numero vos vestrum vel tibi perh. read vobis.
1511, Promptorium Parvulorum (de Worde), sig. M.iiiᵛ/2
Yeyn or sey ye with worshyp, viso.
puhekieltä the
1647, The old deluder, Satan, Act. (cited in American Public School Law, K. Alexander, M. Alexander, 1995)
It being one cheife proiect of ye ould deluder, Satan, to keepe men from the knowledge of v Scriptures, as in formr times by keeping ym in an unknowne tongue, so in these lattr times by perswading from ye use of tongues, yt so at least ye true sence & meaning of ye originall might be clouded by false glosses of saint seeming deceivers, yt learning may not be buried in ye church and commonwealth, the Lord assisting or endeavors,—
Ye Olde Medicine Shoppe.
puhekieltä (l).
(inflection of)
man Man (qualifier), men.
person Person, people.
Native American Indian(s).
(non-gloss definition) used at the end of a phrase, after the predicate and the subject, in that order; to be.


to, at, by (gloss)


(non-gloss definition)
(nonstandard spelling of)
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, General Prologue, lines 9–10:
And smale foweles maken melodye, / That slepen al the nyght with open ye.
Last letter of the Arabic alphabet: (lang)
imperative of yemoq
(zu-combining stem of)


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