


  1. vino, kiero

  2. sarkastinen, vinoileva, kuivan humoristinen

Esimerkkejä wry sanan käytöstä:

a wry smile

a wry sense of humour

Liittyvät sanat: awry



  1. humoristinen, huvittava, kuiva, ironinen, käyrä, mutkainen, kiero.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä




kiero Turned away, contorted (of the face or body).
1837, w:Charles Dickens|Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers, chapter 17:

'"Why, you snivelling, wry-faced, puny villain," gasped old Lobbs.
1913, w:Victor Appleton|Victor Appleton, The Motion Picture Chums at Seaside Park, chapter 11:
“Humph! Had to,” said Pep with a wry grimace.
dryly Dryly humorous; sardonic or bitterly ironic.
1871, w:Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu|Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, The Haunted Baronet, chapter 6:
"The master says a wry word now and then; and so ye let your spirits go down, don't ye see, and all sorts o' fancies comes into your head."
twisted Twisted, bent, crooked.
deviate Deviating from the right direction; misdirected; out of place.
1820, w:Walter Scott|Sir Walter Scott, The Abbot, chapter 34:
Catherine hath made a wry stitch in her broidery, when she was thinking of something else than her work.
1876, w:Walter Savage Landor|Walter Savage Landor, The Works and Life of Walter Savage Landor, volume IV, Imaginary Conversations, Third Series: Dialogues of Literary Men, ch. 6—Milton and Andrew Marvel, http://books.google.ca/books?id=m74dAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA155&lpg=PA155&dq=%22the+wry+rigour+of+our+neighbours%22&source=bl&ots=kpEAJzGzsJ&sig=16--7c-2Th4SvC6Ks5caiaGKGl0&hl=en&sa=X&ei=H-c5U7STF6Gr2QXGvoD4CA&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAgv=onepage&q=%22the%20wry%20rigour%20of%20our%20neighbours%22&f=false page 155 (Google preview):
. . . the wry rigour of our neighbours, who never take up an old idea without some extravagance in its application.
puhekieltä To turn (away); to swerve or deviate.
1535, w:Thomas More|Thomas More, Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation, ch. 18:
God pricketh them of his great goodness still. And the grief of this great pang pincheth them at the heart, and of wickedness they wry away.
(circa) w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, Cymbeline, act 5, scene 1:
You married ones,
If each of you should take this course, how many
Must murder wives much better than themselves
For wrying but a little!
puhekieltä To divert; to cause to turn away.
puhekieltä To twist or contort (the body, face, etc.).
puhekieltä To cover; clothe; cover up; cloak; hide.


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henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury

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wigwam, wok, wokpannu, workshop, WWW, WWW-vastaava

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