


  1. vääntää, väännellä

Liittyvät sanat: wringer



  1. liikehdintä, liike, puristus, vääntö, kiertää, puristaa, vääntää, väännellä, turmella, kiristää, tiukata, piinata, vaivata, huijata, kiskoa, ylihinnoitella, huiputtaa, veloittaa liikaa, nylkeä, kyniä, ryöstää, ukottaa, ryövätä.

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vääntää, väännellä


vääntö To squeeze or twist tightly so that liquid is forced out.

You must wring your wet jeans before hanging them out to dry.

Bible, Judg. vi. 38
He rose up early on the morrow, and thrust the fleece together, and wringed the dew out of the fleece.
Your overkindness doth wring tears from me.
To obtain by force.

The police said they would wring the truth out of that heinous criminal.

To hold tightly and press or twist.

Some of the patients waiting in the dentists office were wringing their hands nervously.''

He said hed wring my neck if I told his girlfriend.''

He wrung my hand enthusiastically when he found out we were related.

Francis Bacon
The king began to find where his shoe did wring him.
Bible, Leviticus i. 15
The priest shall bring it a dove unto the altar, and wring off his head
puhekieltä To writhe; to twist, as if in anguish.
To kill an animal, usually poultry, by breaking its neck by twisting.
'Tis all men's office to speak patience / To those that wring under the load of sorrow.
To pain; to distress; to torment; to torture.
Too much grieved and wrung by an uneasy and strait fortune.
Didst thou taste but half the griefs / That wring my soul, thou couldst not talk thus coldly.
To distort; to pervert; to wrest.
How dare men thus wring the Scriptures?
To subject to extortion; to afflict, or oppress, in order to enforce compliance.
To wring the widow from her 'customed right.
The merchant adventurers have been often wronged and wringed to the quick.
puhekieltä To bend or strain out of its position.

to wring a mast

A powerful squeeze squeezing or twisting action.

I grasped his hand and gave it a grateful wring.

(nl-verb form of)


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clearing, catering, factoring

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