


  1. seppele

  2. kiehkura



  1. voitonseppele, kukka-asetelma, laakeriseppele, seppele, lei, kranssi.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



seppele, kranssi Something twisted, intertwined, or curled.


(quote-book)|year=1892|oclc=192021084|passage=The desert storm was riding in its strength; the travellers lay beneath the mastery of the fell simoom. Whirling wreaths and columns of burning wind, rushed around and over them.
An ornamental circular band made, for example, of plaited flowers and leaves, and used as decoration; a garland or chaplet, especially one given to a victor.
{{quote-book|author=Joseph Crosby Lincoln|authorlink=Joseph C. Lincoln|chapter=12
puhekieltä An appendage to the shield, placed above it, and supporting the crest; an orle, a torse. It generally represents a twist of two cords of silk, one tinctureVerb tinctured like the principal metal, the other like the principal color in the coat of arms.
To place an entwined circle of flowers upon or around something.
1958, The Greek Anthology, p. 349:
Old Nico wreathed the tomb of maiden Melitê.
puhekieltä To wrap around something in a circle.

At the funeral, a circle of comrades wreathed the grave of the honored deceased.

puhekieltä To curl, writhe or spiral in the form of a wreath.
1816, (w), “Stanzas for Music,” 4,http://www.gutenberg.org/files/21811/21811-h/21811-h.htmFNanchor_316
Though wit may flash from fluent lips, and mirth distract the breast,
Through midnight hours that yield no more their former hope of rest;
’Tis but as ivy-leaves around the ruined turret wreath
All green and wildly fresh without, but worn and grey beneath.

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wigwam, wok, wokpannu, workshop, WWW, WWW-vastaava

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