

  1. työväenluokkainen, työväenluokkaan kuuluva

Esimerkkejä working-class sanan käytöstä:

This is a 'working-class' neighbourhood which always votes Labour.

Katso myös: sikuri, marmosetti, banaani, speltti, vompatti

Liittyvät sanat: working class



  1. alemman yhteiskuntaluokan, alaluokan, työväenluokan, palkansaava, työläis-, tehdas-, teollisuus-, sinikaulus-, työväen, tuntityötä tekevä.

Lisää synonyymejää



tuntityötä tekevä

työläis- Of or pertaining to the working class; suggestive of the working class in manner of speaking, outlook, appearance or other qualities.
1971, Barry Hindess, The Decline of Working-Class Politics, page 9:

There is one obvious sense in which working-class politics has declined in the last twenty years or so: the proportion of working-class people involved at various levels of party politics has dropped.
1986, Theresa Conway, A Passion for Glory, page 78:
Jean-Baptiste ordered herb soup, potatoes, and cheese along with two glasses of beer — a typical working-class lunch, he said to Aimee with a smile.
2001, Stephen Hopkins, ‎Cathy Long, ‎John Williams, Passing Rhythms: Liverpool FC and the Transformation of Football, page 27:
It was a very working-class crowd on the Kop, mainly dockers and the like.


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working-class rimmaa näiden kanssa:

topless, business, edelweiss, miss, rallicross, minicross, motocross

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Läheisiä sanoja

wieninleike, wigwam, wok, wokpannu, workshop, WWW

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