


  1. taikuri, velho

  2. tietotekniikka|k=en avustaja, ohjattu luominen

Esimerkkejä wizard sanan käytöstä:

Please use 'wizard' to create profile.

Liittyvät sanat: sorcerer



  1. yliluonnollinen, taianomainen, taika-, maaginen, noiduttu, taiottu, lumoava, asiantuntija, erityisosaaja, ekspertti, ässä, mestari, tähti, virtuoosi, nero, huippu, supertähti, velho, huippu-, taitaja, taituri, taitoniekka, noita, manaaja, henkienmanaaja, taikuri, ihmeidentekijä, nekromantikko.

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taikuri A man who uses (or has skill with) magic, mystic items, and magical and mystical practices.

The wily wizard must be caught.
One who is especially skilled or unusually talented in a particular field.

He was a financial wizard, capable of predicting the movements of the stock markets.

puhekieltä A computer program or script used to simplify complex operations, often for an inexperienced user.

Use the "Add Network Connection" wizard to connect to a network in a series of simple steps.

puhekieltä One of the administrators of a multi-user dungeon.
1997, Philip Agre, Douglas Schuler, Reinventing technology, rediscovering community (page 153)
Wizards, in general, have a very different experience of mudding than other players. Because of their palpable and extensive extra powers over other players, and because of their special role in MUD society, they are frequently treated differently(..)
1997, Sara Kiesler, Culture of the Internet (page 132)
It is certainly easy to believe the stories I hear of MUD wizards who demand deference and severely punish those who transgress (..)
puhekieltä A wiseman; a sage.
See how from far upon the eastern road / The star-led wizards Magi haste with odours sweet!
puhekieltä fine Fine, superb (originally RAF slang).
1942, Quentin James Reynolds, Only the Stars are Neutral
"We had a wizard show," the young leader of an Australian squadron said, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice.
1943, Howard Macy Coffin, Walter Leslie River, Malta Story
But he was a wizard flyer, that boy.
puhekieltä To practice wizardry.
puhekieltä To conjure.


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