

  1. kela, puola, rulla, mekaaninen laite, kellon vetonuppi, vetonuppi.

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vetäjä A textile worker, or machine, that winds cloth
A spool around which something is wound
A key or knob for winding a clock, watch or clockwork mechanism
One of the steps of a spiral staircase (as opposed to a flyer, or straight step).
puhekieltä A blow that winds somebody, or takes away their breath.
1913, w:D. H. Lawrence|D.H. Lawrence, s:Sons_and_Lovers Sons and Lovers, s:Sons and Lovers/Chapter VIII|chapter 8

"Well!" exclaimed the miner. "That's a winder." He considered it a moment, said "H'm!" and proceeded with his dinner. Suddenly his face contracted with wrath. "I hope he may never set foot i' my house again," he said.
To fan; to clean grain with a fan.
(eye dialect)
1868, Ann Sophia Stephens, Doubly False
That accounts for my having the dress, but it don't account for the piece that you left sticking to the rose-bush under Mrs. Lander's bed-room winder, which piece I took off that morning, and which piece I matched with the dress after you pitched it at me over them bannisters (..)


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cheerleader, outsider

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