


  1. metsäkissa takso|Felis silvestris



  1. tutkimus-, villi veikkaus, epävirallinen, laiton, luvaton, epäviisas, uhkarohkea.

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villi veikkaus

uhkarohkea A cat that lives in the wilderness, specifically
puhekieltä Felis silvestris, a common small Old World wild cat somewhat larger than a house cat.
puhekieltä A bobcat (Lynx rufus) or other similar New World species of lynx.
Any feral cat.
puhekieltä (alternative spelling of), any undomesticated felid, as tigers or lions.
2003 April 24, CNN

Upon checking it out, we found a total of 13 newborn wildcats: nine newborn tigers and two newborn leopards.
puhekieltä A person who acts like a wildcat, (qualifier) a violent and easily-angered person or a sexually vigorous one.
2002 September 26, The Young and the Restless
Anyone who's man enough to have landed a wildcat like you had to be quite a guy.
puhekieltä An offense offensive formation with an unbalanced offensive line|line and a snap directly to the running back rather than the quarterback.
puhekieltä A wheel that can be adjusted so as to revolve either with or on the shaft of a capstan.
puhekieltä (short for).
puhekieltä (short for), a strike undertaken without authorization from the relevant trade union.
puhekieltä (short for), notes issued by a wildcat bank.
puhekieltä Of or concerning businesses operating outside standard or legitimate practice, especially:
1946, Sigurd Jay Simonsen, The Mongrels
Then the development of the home country was neglected for some wildcat idea of bringing up the backward people of other lands.
puhekieltä Of or concerning irresponsible banks or banking, (qualifier) small, independent operations.
Of or concerning oil exploration in new areas, (qualifier) small, independent operations.
Of or concerning actions undertaken by workers without approval or in defiance of the formal leadership of their trade unions.
puhekieltä Of or concerning customized or hand-made cartridges.
unauthorized Unauthorized by the proper authorities.
2003 June 15, CNN
Jewish settlers have also been active putting up five new wildcat outposts on hilltops in the West Bank to try to thwart their Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
To drill for oil in an area where no oil has been found before.

Youd have to be very rich or very desperate to go wildcatting that far east.''


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