


  1. pieni portti (tai ovi isomman portin yhteydessä)

  2. BrE|k=en luukku (lippuluukku tms.)

  3. urheilu|k=en hila (kriketissä); portti (kroketissa)



  1. krikettivarusteet, krokettivarusteet, portti, aukko, reikä, ristikkoikkuna, portin luukku, hila, hilojen väli.

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hilojen väli



portin luukku A small door or gate, especially one associated with a larger one.
A small window or other opening, sometimes fitted with a grating.
1978, (w), Livia, Faber & Faber 1992 (qualifier), p. 386:

As he did so he heard the shuffle of footsteps entering the chapel and the clicking of the confessional wicket.
puhekieltä A service window, as in a bank or train station, where a customer conducts transactions with a teller; a (w) at a rail station.
puhekieltä One of the two wooden structures at each end of the pitch, consisting of three vertical stumps and two bails; the target for the bowler, defended by the batsman.
puhekieltä A dismissal; the act of a batsman getting out.
puhekieltä The period during which two batsmen bat together.
puhekieltä The pitch.
puhekieltä The area around the stumps where the batsmen stand.
puhekieltä Any of the small arches through which the balls are driven.
puhekieltä A temporary metal attachment that one attaches one's lift-ticket to.
puhekieltä A shelter made from tree boughs, used by lumbermen.


puhekieltä The space between the pillars, in post-and-stall working.
puhekieltä An angle bracket when used in HTML.


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