


  1. uupunut, väsynyt

Liittyvät sanat: weariness



  1. väsynyt, uupunut, voipunut, lopen uupunut, voida huonosti, väsyä, uupua, uuvuttaa, käyttää loppuun, lyödä, väsyttää, ajaa loppuun, näännyttää, kyllästyä.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä




lopen uupunut, uupunut

kyllästyä having Having the strength exhausted by toil or exertion; tired; fatigued.


1623, (w), (w), (nowrap):
I care not for my spirits if my legs were not weary.
(w) (1807-1882)
I am weary, thinking of your task.
(RQ:BLwnds TLdgr)
There was a neat hat-and-umbrella stand, and the stranger's weary feet fell soft on a good, serviceable dark-red drugget, which matched in colour the flock-paper on the walls.
Having one's patience, relish, or contentment exhausted; tired; sick.
expressive Expressive of fatigue.
Causing weariness; tiresome.
(w) (c.1552–1599)
weary way
(w) (1772-1834)
There passed a weary time.
To make or to become weary.
Shakespeare (Julius Caesar)
So shall he waste his means, weary his soldiers,
I would not cease / To weary him with my assiduous cries.
1898, (w), (w) Chapter 4
Yet there was no time to be lost if I was ever to get out alive, and so I groped with my hands against the side of the grave until I made out the bottom edge of the slab, and then fell to grubbing beneath it with my fingers. But the earth, which the day before had looked light and loamy to the eye, was stiff and hard enough when one came to tackle it with naked hands, and in an hour's time I had done little more than further weary myself and bruise my fingers.


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