


  1. (vaatteista) käyttö

  2. kuluminen, kulutus

  3. materiaalin kesto, kulutuskestävyys

Esimerkkejä wear sanan käytöstä:

These clothes are for everyday 'wear'.

'wear' and tear

Liittyvät sanat: wear off



  1. huonontuminen, rappeutuminen, kuluminen, pukeutua, pukea, olla päällä, olla yllään, pitää, voida huonosti, väsyä, uupua, uuvuttaa, käyttää loppuun, lyödä, väsyttää, ajaa loppuun, näännyttää, kyllästyä.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä




olla yllään, olla päällä


kulua puhekieltä To guard; watch; keep watch, especially from entry or invasion.
puhekieltä To defend; protect.
puhekieltä To ward off; prevent from approaching or entering; drive off; repel.

to wear the wolf from the sheep

puhekieltä To conduct or guide with care or caution, as into a fold or place of safety.
To carry or have equipped on or about one's body, as an item of clothing, equipment, decoration, etc.

(ux) (nowrap) wearing his lunch after tripping and falling (nowrap)

(RQ:SWymn ChpngBrgh)
It was April 22, 1831, and a young man was walking down Whitehall in the direction of Parliament Street. He wore shepherd's plaid trousers and the swallow-tail coat of the day, with a figured muslin cravat wound about his wide-spread collar.
To have or carry on one's person habitually, consistently; or, to maintain in a particular fashion or manner.


To bear or display in one's aspect or appearance.
puhekieltä To overcome one's reluctance and endure a (previously specified) situation.
To eat away at, erode, diminish, or consume gradually; to cause a gradual deterioration in; to produce (some change) through attrition, exposure, or constant use.
puhekieltä To undergo gradual deterioration; become impaired; be reduced or consumed gradually due to any continued process, activity, or use.
Sir (w) (1771-1832)
His stock of money began to wear very low.
(w) (1804-1881)
The family(..)wore out in the earlier part of the century.
To exhaust, fatigue, expend, or weary.

His neverending criticism has finally worn my patience.  Toil and care soon wear the spirit.  Our physical advantage allowed us to wear the other team out and win.

puhekieltä To last or remain durable under hard use or over time; to retain usefulness, value, or desirable qualities under any continued strain or long period of time; sometimes said of a person, regarding the quality of being easy or difficult to tolerate.
puhekieltä (in the phrase "wearing on (someone)") To cause annoyance, irritation, fatigue, or weariness near the point of an exhaustion of patience.
puhekieltä To pass slowly, gradually or tediously.
(w) (c.1564–1616)
Away, I say; time wears.
(w) (1608-1674)
Thus wore out night.
puhekieltä To bring (a sailing vessel) onto the other tack by bringing the wind around the stern (as opposed to tacking when the wind is brought around the bow); to come round on another tack by turning away from the wind. Also written "ware". Past: weared, or wore/worn.
puhekieltä (in combination) clothing

footwear; outdoor wear; maternity wear

puhekieltä damage to the appearance and/or strength of an item caused by use over time
1895, H. G. Wells, The Time Machine Chapter X
Now, I still think that for this box of matches to have escaped the wear of time for immemorial years was a strange, and for me, a most fortunate thing.
puhekieltä fashion
Motley's the only wear.


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