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  1. kuohunta, liikunta, raju liike, heilutus, pudistus, ravistus, puhekielen ilmaus, arkikielen ilmaus, humoristi, huumorimies, vitsiniekka, älyniekka, hauska tyyppi, heiluttaa, hytkyttää, hytisyttää, tutisuttaa, huiskuttaa.

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huiskuttaa, heiluttaa


heilutus To swing from side to side, such as of an animal's tail, or someone's head, to express disagreement or disbelief.

No discerner durst wag his tongue in censure.
Bible, Jer. xviii. 16
Every one that passeth thereby shall be astonished, and wag his head.
puhekieltä To play truant from school.
1848, Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son, xxii
"My misfortunes all began in wagging, Sir; but what could I do, exceptin' wag?" "Excepting what?" said Mr. Carker. "Wag, Sir. Wagging from school." "Do you mean pretending to go there, and not going?" said Mr. Carker. "Yes, Sir, that's wagging, Sir."
1901, William Sylvester Walker, In the Blood, i. 13
They had "wagged it" from school, as they termed it, which..meant truancy in all its forms.
puhekieltä To be in action or motion; to move; to get along; to progress; to stir.
"Thus we may see," quoth he, "how the world wags."
puhekieltä To go; to depart.
I will provoke him to 't, or let him wag.
An oscillating movement.

The wag of my dogs tail expresses happiness.''

A witty person.
to wait
(de-verb form of)
puhekieltä (de-verb form of)


wag rimmaa näiden kanssa:

jet lag, tag

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