


  1. kard neljä



  1. siirtyä, vaihtaa, kääntyä, muuttaa suuntaa, kaartaa, pyörähtää, kulkea poikki, erkaantua muodostelmasta.

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kääntyä puhekieltä To let out (a sail-line), to allow (a sheet) to run out.
1596, (w), The Faerie Queene, volume 12:

As when a skilfull Marriner doth reed / A storme approching, that doth perill threat, / He will not bide the daunger of such dread, / But strikes his sayles, and vereth his mainsheat, / And lends vnto it leaue the emptie ayre to beat.
A turn or swerve; an instance of veering.
puhekieltä To change direction or course suddenly; to swerve.

The car slid on the ice and veered out of control.

(rfdat), Dryden:
And as he leads, the following navy veers.
(rfdat), Burke:
An ordinary community which is hostile or friendly as passion or as interest may veer about.
{{quote-journal|date=November 7, 2012|author=Matt Bai|title=Winning a Second Term, Obama Will Confront Familiar Headwinds|work=New York Times|url=
puhekieltä To shift in a clockwise direction (if in the Northern Hemisphere, or in a counterclockwise direction if in the Southern Hemisphere).Bowditch 2002
puhekieltä To shift aft.
puhekieltä To change direction into the wind; to wearVerb wear ship.
puhekieltä To turn.
puhekieltä to know
spring (e.g. metallic helix which resists stress)
(nl-verb form of)
four (4)
puhekieltä four (4)
(alternative form of)
to see
13th century, w:Pergaminho Vindel|Vindel manuscript, w:Martín Codax|Martín Codax, Ai ondas que eu vim veer ( facsimile)
Ay ondas que eu uin ueer / ſe me ſaberedes dizer / por que tarda meu amigo sẽ mj
: Oh waves that I came to see / say unto me / Why my lover lingers thus away from me?


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