
Tarkoititko: vanja

Ehdota määritelmää

Liittyvät sanat: vankasti.


englanti puhekieltä (alternative form of)
to stroll, to wander, to walk without hurry

där farbror polisen med händer på ryggen sakta vankar gatan fram och lyfter på hatten åt medborgarna.

where the old constable with his hands at his back slowly strolls along the street and tips his hat at the gentry.

Onsdag går jag ut och vankar. Torsdag sitter jag i tankar.

On Wednesday I go for a stroll. On Thursday I sit in thoughts.'' (nursery rhyme, song lyrics)

(in the passive) to expect food or some event

Det vankas vickning fram på småtimmarna.

We're expecting some light food in the wee hours.

När det vankades Bernadotte-jubileum var det varken kungen eller drottningen som stod i centrum.

When the Bernadotte jubilee was forthcoming, neither the King nor the Queen were the centre of attention.


vanka rimmaa näiden kanssa:

hanka, alahanka, oksahanka, vastahanka, lehtihanka, oksanhanka, peukalonhanka, ulkohanka, peukalohanka, ylähanka

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