


  1. titteli

  2. (teoksen) nimi, otsikko

  3. nimike, julkaisu

  4. laki|k=en omistusoikeus; kauppakirja tai muu omistusoikeuden todistava asiakirja

Esimerkkejä title sanan käytöstä:

the title of the song

Create a good title for your composition.

Katso myös: vertigo, sikuri, torus, kerubi, dodekaedri

Liittyvät sanat: headline



  1. laillinen oikeus, oikeus, oma avu, tukioikeus, monikko, monikkomuoto, alkutekstit, lopputekstit, kirjoitus, kirjallinen materiaali, kirjoitettu teksti.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä







hallintatodistus A prefix (honorific) or suffix (post-nominal) added to a person's name to signify either veneration, official position or a professional or academic qualification. See also :Category:Titles
(w) (1564-1616)

With his former title greet Macbeth.
puhekieltä Legal right to ownership of a property; a deed or other certificate proving this.


In canon law, that by which a beneficiary holds a benefice.
A church to which a priest was ordained, and where he was to reside.
The name of a book, film, musical piece, painting, or other work of art.
A publication.
A section or division of a subject, as of a law or a book.
puhekieltä A written title, credit, or caption shown with a film, video, or performance.
puhekieltä The panel for the name, between the bands of the back of a book.
The subject of a writing; a short phrase that summarizes the entire topic.
A division of an act of Congress or parliament Parliament.
puhekieltä The recognition given to the winner of a championship in sports.
{{quote-journal|date=May 13, 2012|author=Phil McNulty|work=BBC Sport
1997, David Kenneth Wiggins, Glory Bound: Black Athletes in a White America
Equally disadvantageous to Jackson was the fact that other than the Jacksonville Athletic Club and the National Sporting Club, virtually no organization was willing to sponsor a title fight between a black fighter and a white one.
puhekieltä To assign a title to; to entitle.
(de-verb form of)


  • "' "Oletko pirullinen"'Jimbo Wales:' "Todellakin."'' "Onko Wikipedia pirullinen"'Jimbo Wales:' "Sehän on sanomattakin selvää." '' "Onko Wikipedia Foundation pirullinen"'Jimbo Wales:' "Itse asiassa pahempaa."'' "Oletko http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.phptitle=Todo&oldid=10183889 Todo"'Jimbo Wales:' "Vain tiistaisin."

  • "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115151/ Dark Skies w:Internet Movie Database|Internet Movie Databasessa"


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tisuri, titaani, titaaninen, titityy, titrata, titraus

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