

  1. vihje, vinkki

Esimerkkejä tip sanan käytöstä:

tips, tricks and more

Liittyvät sanat: tipičan , tipizirati



  1. Calvities frontalis, nystermä, kupera muoto, kuperuus, piikki.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: tipahdella, tipahdus, tipahtaa, tipauttaa, tipoittain, tipotiehensä.







latvoa The extreme end of something, especially when pointed; e.g. the sharp end of a pencil. (defdate)
1848, (w), The Tenant of Wildfell Hall:

When he woke up, about half an hour after, he called it to him again, but Dash only looked sheepish and wagged the tip of his tail.


A piece of metal, fabric or other material used to cover the top of something for protection, utility or decoration. (defdate)
puhekieltä The end of a bow of a stringed instrument that is not held.
puhekieltä A small piece of meat.

chicken tips over rice, pork tips, marinated alligator tips

1998, Alan Morris, Between Earth and Sky (Guardians of the North book 4; ISBN 1441263039):
He dutifully speared a beef tip and chewed it with false gusto.
A piece of stiffened lining pasted on the inside of a hat crown.
A thin, boarded brush made of camel's hair, used by gilders in lifting gold leaf.
puhekieltä To provide with a tip; to cover the tip of. (defdate)
1598, William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, Act V:
I thinke he thinkes vpon the sauage bull: / Tush, feare not man, wee'll tip thy hornes with gold, / And all Europa shall reioyce at thee ....
truncheon tipped with iron head
Tipped with jet, / Fair ermines spotless as the snows they press.
puhekieltä (To cause) to knock over, make fall down or overturn. (defdate) (defdate)
puhekieltä (To cause) to be, or come to be, in a tilted or sloping position; (to cause) to become unbalanced. (defdate)
1851, Herman Melville, Moby-Dick:
the brief suspended agony of the boat, as it would tip for an instant on the knife-like edge of the sharper waves, that almost seemed threatening to cut it in two ....
puhekieltä To drink. (defdate)
puhekieltä To dump (refuse). (defdate)
puhekieltä To pour a libation, particularly from a forty of malt liquor. (defdate)
1993, w:DRS (band)|DRS, “w:Gangsta Lean|Gangsta Lean (This Is For My Homies)”:
I tip my 40 to your memory.
puhekieltä To deflect with one′s fingers, especially one′s fingertips.
puhekieltä The knocking over of a skittle. (defdate)
An act of tipping up or tilting. (defdate)
puhekieltä An area or a place for dumping something, such as rubbish or refuse, as from a mine; a heap (see tipple); a dump. (defdate)
1972 May 18, Jon Tinker, Must we waste rubbish?, w:New Scientist|New Scientist, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=pUAT6l3l-vYC&pg=PA389&lpg=PA389&dq=%22tip%22 %22tips%22+rubbish+-intitle:%22%22+-inauthor:%22%22&source=bl&ots=8AORyE6tM0&sig=fQ4RzqlkaMusJxxa1LPiYBDea0Q&hl=en&sa=X&ei=hbyEUOjJI6-VmQXPkYEQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22tip%22|%22tips%22%20rubbish%20-intitle%3A%22%22%20-inauthor%3A%22%22&f=false page 389,
As the tip slowly squashes under its own weight, bacteria rot away the organic matter, mainly anaerobically with the generation of methane.
2009, Donna Kelly,| 'Don't dump on Hepburn's top tip', http://www.hepburnadvocate.com.au The Hepburn Advocate, Fairfax Digital
When I was a kid I used to love going to the tip.
2009, Rother District Council, http://www.rother.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=3053 Rother District Council Website
There are two rubbish tips in Rother.
2009, Beck Vass, 'Computer collectibles saved from the tip' The New Zealand Herald, Technology section, APN Holdings NZ Ltd
Computer collectibles saved from the tip
puhekieltä rubbish Rubbish thrown from a quarry.
puhekieltä A recycling centre.
puhekieltä A very untidy place. (defdate)
The act of deflecting with one's fingers, especially the fingertips
puhekieltä To hit quickly and lightly; to tap. (defdate)
Jonathan Swift
A third rogue tips me by the elbow.
puhekieltä A light blow or tap. (defdate)
To give a small gratuity to, especially to an employee of someone who provides a service. (defdate)
puhekieltä To give, pass. (defdate)
A gratuity; a small amount of money left for a bartender, waiter, taxi driver or other servant as a token of appreciation. (defdate)
1897, Bram Stoker, Dracula:
A half crown tip put the deputy's knowledge at my disposal, and I learned that Mr. Bloxam ... had left for his work at five o'clock that morning.
A piece of private or secret information, especially imparted by someone with expert knowledge about sporting odds, business performance etc. (defdate)
A piece of advice.
To give a piece of private information to; to inform (someone) of a clue, secret knowledge, etc. (defdate)
puhekieltä A kick or phase; one's current habits or behaviour.
puhekieltä A particular arena or sphere of interest; a front.
full, as in sated or satisfied (including to excess)
excess (of food or drink)
piece of good advice
(nl-verb form of)
(jbo-rafsi of)
prototype, model
type, style
puhekieltä person (usually male), guy
(l) (gloss)


  • hiki: tippa, esim viinaa pullossa

  • tibbis: tippuri / Iho- ja sukupuolitautien klinikka

  • tibis: tippuri / Iho- ja sukupuolitautien klinikka

  • tipan vertaa: vähääkään : Se ei kuule kiinnosta mua tipan vertaa.

  • tippa: kyynel

  • tippa linssissä: kyynelsilmin : Vanhalle lykkäs ihan tipan linssiin.

  • tippaiita: terveydenhoitaja

  • tippari: tippuri

  • tippi: juomaraha : Paljo tolle jätkälle pitää heittää tippii?

  • tippuu (kanveesiin): tulla tyrmätyksi, vajota alas … "tiput!"

  • tippuu manii: tulla rahaa / saada rahaa : Sulle ei tipu pennin pyörylää.

  • tiprat: sauhut

  • tipsi: vinkki

  • tipu: tyttö

  • tipula / tippala: tyttökoulu


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hip, piip, VIP

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