


  1. taara

  2. virna



  1. vastapaino, taara, paino, taarapaino, avustus, määräraha, vähennys, oikaisu, tarkistus, tyhjäpaino.

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tyhjäpaino puhekieltä A vetch, or the seed of a vetch.
puhekieltä A damaging weed growing in fields of grain.
Matthew 13:25 (KJV)

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
1985, John Fowles, A Maggot:
I saw as I thought an uncle and guardian who has led a sober, industrious and Christian life and finds himself obliged to look on the tares of folly in his own close kin.
The empty weight of a container; the tare weight or unladen weight.
puhekieltä To take into account the weight of the container, wrapping etc. in weightVerb weighting merchandise.
1886, Records of the History, Laws, Regulations, and Statistics of the Tobacco Trade of the United Kingdom, http://books.google.ca/books?id=vrAUAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA68 p. 86,
he is (..) to tare such number of bales as may be deemed necessary to settle the net weight for duty.
puhekieltä To set a zero value on an instrument (usually a balance) that discounts the starting point.
2003, Dany Spencer Adams, Lab Math, CSHL Press, http://books.google.ca/books?id=R2s0TSH1eXEC&pg=PA63&sig=ACfU3U3W05TXBAfp5pgDELaqIYLJqaTEvg p. 63,
Spectrometers, for example, must be zeroed before each reading; balances must be tared before each weighing.
puhekieltä (en-simple past of)
Any of various dipping sauces served with Japanese food, typically based on soy sauce.
puhekieltä deficiency
defect, vice, flaw
tareEnglish tare (gloss)
(monikko) tara|lang=it
(ja-romanization of)
puhekieltä hard, tough, solid

pâine Pâinea este foarte tare.

The bread is very hard.

puhekieltä strong
puhekieltä loud, strong, powerful
fierce, vehement, intense, vigorous
mighty, durable, lasting, sturdy
puhekieltä cool
quickly and well
(es-verb form of)


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pientare, pellonpientare, utare

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