


  1. kaveta, suipontua

  2. kaventaa, suipontaa; vähentää asteittain



  1. kynttilä, kynttilät, valettu kynttilä, lamppu, kaislakynttilä.

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vähentää A slender wax candle; a small lighted wax candle
~1603, William Shakespeare, Othello, Act I, scene I, line 157:

strike on the tinder, ho!/ Give me a taper.
1913, w:Paul Laurence Dunbar|Paul Laurence Dunbar, s:The Change|The Change
Love used to carry a bow, you know,
But now he carries a taper;
It is either a length of wax aglow,
Or a twist of lighted paper.
puhekieltä a small light.
A tapering form; gradual diminution of thickness and/or cross section in an elongated object

the taper of a spire.

The legs of the table had a slight taper to them.

A thin stick used for lighting candles, either a wax-coated wick or a slow-burning wooden rod.
puhekieltä To make thinner or narrower at one end.
1851, w:Herman Melville|Herman Melville, w:Moby Dick|Moby Dick, s:Moby-Dick/Chapter_3 chapter 3
Though true cylinders without — within, the villanous green goggling glasses deceitfully tapered downwards to a cheating bottom.
puhekieltä To diminish gradually.
puhekieltä One who operates a tape machine.
Someone who works with tape or tapes.
(present tense of)
puhekieltä to slap, knock, beat
puhekieltä to type (use a keyboard or typewriter)
puhekieltä to hit, beat, rap
puhekieltä to beat down (of the sun); to go to one's head (of wine etc.)
puhekieltä to stink, pong, reek
puhekieltä to put away (a meal etc.)
Je me suis tapé un bon petit hamburger hier soir.
puhekieltä to fuck (gloss)
Il 's'est tapé' la fille de son patron.
puhekieltä to hit, knock
a loser
Indefinite plural of tapeNorwegian tape
Present tense of tape (to lose)
puhekieltä present tense of tape (to tape)
present tense of tape (to lose)
to throw


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