

  1. tamponi



  1. tulppa, korkki, tappi, Tampax, tamponi, tuppo, tukkia, tilkitä, sulkea.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: tamponi, tamponoida.



tuppo, tamponi

tukkia A plug of cotton or other absorbent material inserted into a body cavity or wound to absorb fluid, especially one inserted in the vagina during menstruation.

I learned by myself how to insert a tampon.

A double-headed drumstick primarily for the bass drum.
An inking pad used in lithographic printing.
puhekieltä To plug (a wound) with a tampon or compress.
Piece of wood or other material to close an opening.

…un petit orifice qui, pendant lemplissage, est bouché par un tampon de bois.''

(musical instrument) Same, closing the opening of a flute, a saxophone.

Tampons spéciaux montés sur plaques aluminium pour saxophone alto à tampons vissés.

(boat) Same, closing a leak.

Tampon détoupe.''

(medical usage) A plug of cotton or other absorbent material inserted into a body cavity or wound to absorb fluid.

Il monta chercher dans sa chambre, au premier étage, un petit tampon douate; puis, comme le sang était sec et collait à la porcelaine, il humecta légèrement le coton avant de frotter. - Jules Romains, Hommes de bonne volonté'', 1932.

English tampon to stop menstruation.

Tampon hygiénique.

sponge, piece of porous material.
used for washing.

tampon à récurer.

to varnish or apply wax to a piece of furniture.

vernissage au tampon.

to apply ink.

Tampon encreur.


Donner un coup de tampon.

puhekieltä mitigator, mediator, buffer between people having a dispute.
jouer le rôle de tampon.
In this sense, often used in apposition, such as in solution tampon, État tampon, zone tampon, etc.
(chemistry) solution keeping neutral pH.

Solution tampon.

(computer) buffer
Elastic part that prevents damaging when a collision occurs, e.g. buffer in rail transport.
English tampon


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