


  1. vanhentunut|k=en päiväpulkka, pirkka

  2. kirjanpito, merkki, luku (pitää ~a), lukumäärä

  3. vastakirja

  4. osoitetarra

Liittyvät sanat: tally stick



  1. tutkimus, tutkinta, tutkiminen, laskeminen, numeroiden lukeminen, verenkuva, väestönlaskenta, lähtölaskenta, väärä luku.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä




laskea yhteen, summata


pitää tukkimiehen kirjanpitoa puhekieltä Used as a mild intensifier: very (almost exclusively used by the upper classes).

Up and over to victory! Tally ho!

puhekieltä Target sighted.

''(Air Traffic Control): Speedbird 123, New York, traffic at two o’clock, seven miles, a Boeing 737, west-bound, at 4000 feet.”

(Pilot): New York, Speedbird 123, tally.

Originally, a piece of wood on which notches or scores were cut, as the marks of number;
Later, one of two books, sheets of paper, etc., on which corresponding accounts were kept.
Hence, any account or score kept by notches or marks, whether on wood or paper, or in a book, especially one kept in duplicate.
One thing made to suit another; a match; a mate.
They were framed the tallies for each other.
A notch, mark, or score made on or in a tally; as, to make or earn a score or tally in a game.
A tally shop.
A ribbon on a sailor's cap bearing the name of the ship or the (part of) the navy to which they belong.
puhekieltä To count something.
puhekieltä To record something by making marks.
puhekieltä To make things correspond or agree with each other.
Alexander Pope
They are not so well tallied to the present juncture.
puhekieltä To keep score.
puhekieltä To correspond or agree.
I found pieces of tiles that exactly tallied with the channel.
Your idea (..) tallies exactly with mine.
puhekieltä To check off, as parcels of freight going inboard or outboard.


puhekieltä In a tall way; stoutly; with spirit.


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