


  1. parvi, joukko (hyönteisiä)



  1. joukko, ryhmä, ryhmittymä, hyönteinen, öttiäinen, ötökkä, parvi, pilvi, vaivaaminen, vitsaus, lauma, kerääntyä, tungeksia, virrata, tulvia, vilistä, kuhista, parveilla.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä





parveilla A large number of insects, especially when in motion or (for bees) migrating to a new colony.
(rfdate) (w)

a deadly swarm of hornets
A mass of people, animals or things in motion or turmoil.

a swarm of meteorites

those prodigious swarms that had settled themselves in every part of it Italy
puhekieltä A group of nodes sharing the same torrent in a BitTorrent network.
puhekieltä To move as a swarm.
(RQ:Brmnghm Gsmr)
There is an hour or two, after the passengers have embarked, which is disquieting and fussy. Mail bags, so I understand, are being put on board. Stewards, carrying cabin trunks, swarm in the corridors.
puhekieltä To teem, or be overrun with insects, people, etc.
Every place swarms with soldiers.
puhekieltä To fill a place as a swarm.
puhekieltä To overwhelm as by an opposing army.
To climb by gripping with arms and legs alternately.
At the top was placed a piece of money, as a prize for those who could swarm up and seize it.
1919, (w), (w), s:The Moon and Sixpence/Chapter LV|chapter 55
She called out, and a boy came running along. He swarmed up a tree, and presently threw down a ripe nut. Ata pierced a hole in it, and the doctor took a long, refreshing draught.
To breed multitudes.
Not so thick swarmed once the soil / Bedropped with blood of Gorgon.

Läheisiä sanoja

sviitti, svingi, swahilin kieli, swap, swing, syaani

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