


  1. puuska

  2. tulva, aalto

  3. vellominen, hyrskyt, aaltoilu

  4. jyrkkä nousu

  5. elektroniikka|k=en ylijännitepulssi



  1. aalto, hyökyaalto, maininki, suuri aalto, virtaaminen, ryöppy, tulva, nousu, jäteläjä, syöksähdys, keinua, kohoilla, nousta, liikkua ylös, kohota, tulla ylös.

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suuri aalto, maininki


kasvaa äkillisesti A sudden transient rush, flood or increase.
{{quote-journal|date=November 7, 2012|author=Matt Bai|title=Winning a Second Term, Obama Will Confront Familiar Headwinds|work=New York Times|url=

He felt a surge of excitement.

The maximum amplitude of a vehicle's forward/backward oscillation
puhekieltä A sudden electrical spike or increase of voltage and current.

A power surge at that generator created a blackout across the whole district.

puhekieltä The swell or heave of the sea. (FM 55-501).
Bible, James i. 6
He that doubteth is like the surge of the sea driven by the wind and tossed.
He flies aloft, and, with impetuous roar, / Pursues the foaming surges to the shore.
puhekieltä A spring; a fountain.
Ld. Berners
divers surges and springs of water
The tapered part of a windlass barrel or a capstan, upon which the cable surges, or slips.
puhekieltä To rush, flood, or increase suddenly.


(RQ:EHough PrqsPrc)
Carried somehow, somewhither, for some reason, on these surging floods, were these travelers, of errand not wholly obvious to their fellows, yet of such sort as to call into query alike the nature of their errand and their own relations.
{{quote-magazine|date=2013-03|author=David S. Senchina|volume=101|issue=2|page=134
To accelerate forwards, particularly suddenly.
{{quote-journal|date=September 2, 2011|work=BBC
puhekieltä To slack off a line.
(inflection of)
Surge et ambula (Matt. IX. v.5)
(es-verb form of)


surge rimmaa näiden kanssa:

image, bridge, sitoumusbridge, college, beige

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