

auma pile; nippu bundle A pile or bundle, especially of straw.
puhekieltä A group of 6 or 8 sheaves of grain stacked to dry vertically in a rectangular arrangement at harvest time, obsolete since the advent (mid 20th century) of the combine harvester.
1932, (w), Sunset Song, Polygon 2006 (A Scots Quair), p. 16:

And on the road home they lay among the stooks and maybe Ellison did this and that to make sure of getting her, he was fair desperate for any woman by then.
1958, (w), The Bell:
The wheat, tawny with ripeness, had been cut and stood in tented stooks about the fields, while a few ghostly poppies lingered at the edge of the path.
puhekieltä to make stooks
(nl-verb form of)
sheaf, bundle (gloss)


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