
Tarkoititko: stanssata

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englanti (en-simple past of)
puhekieltä Foul-smelling, stinking, unclean.
2002, Tasha C. Miller, Assout: Incoherent Thoughts and Poems of an Unemployed Black Girl (page 11)
Fishy, pussy funky elevator / Pissy, broke ass project elevator / Old baby piss, stank ass horse, cat piss smelling funky hot ass elevator / I'm not climbing no 17 flights(..)
2003, Tariq Nasheed, Play or be played (page 124)
This is why most top-notch women can't stand stank hoes. Classy women have more contempt for these women than men do.
2010, R. Scott, Nine Months and a Year Later... (page 31)
He wants my love; he wants the love from here and just what's between your stank-ass legs.
puhekieltä water Water retained by an embankment; a pool of water.


puhekieltä A dam or mound to stop water.
puhekieltä weak; worn out
puhekieltä To sigh.
(past tense of)
(de-verb form of)
(l), (l)
stink, stench (a bad smell)
1938, w:Ludvig Nordström|Ludvig Nordström, Lort-Sverige
Denna stank hade nämligen samma underliga egenskap som liklukt att så att säga smyga sig fram och liksom långsamt, gradvis underminera luften.
: "This stench had the same strange quality as the smell of corpses, that is so to say sneaked up on you and kind of slowly, gradually undermine the air."


stank rimmaa näiden kanssa:

long drink, still drink, punk

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