


  1. johonkin, jonnekin

  2. jossain, jossakin



  1. paikka, puhekielen ilmaus, arkikielen ilmaus, jossain, jossakin, jossakin päin.

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jossakin päin

jossain, jossakin in In an uncertain or unspecified location.

I must have left my glasses somewhere.

Ive hidden some candies somewhere.''

to To an uncertain or unspecified location.

He plans to go somewhere warm for his vacation.

I have to go somewhere at lunch. Can I meet you at 2?

Unspecified or unknown (unlocated) place or location.
1986, Joel S. Goldsmith, A Parenthesis in Eternity: Living the Mystical Life, page 100:
We have come from somewhere and we are going somewhere, but because life is an unending circle, we are again going to come from a somewhere, and we are again going to go to a somewhere, and this will go on, and on, and on.
2008, Bill Watkins, The Once and Future Celt, page 283:
A courting owl hoots in the somewheres of the night and another answers its call further off.
2012, Thomas M. Kitts, Finding Fogerty: Interdisciplinary Readings of John Fogerty, page 6:
(..) and it transports the person to a somewhere, a somewhere that the music dictates.
{{quote-journal|date=November 1, 2015|author=Clare Brennan|title=The Oresteia review – strong performances at odds with the setting|work=The Observer|url=


somewhere rimmaa näiden kanssa:

penkere, tere, mantere, tantere, sotatantere, kintere, jäntere, autere, gruyère

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