


  1. luonnollinen tai keinotekoinen ontelo t. pesä johon jokin liittyy tai liitetään

  2. anatomia|k=en lonkkamalja (acetabulum)

  3. tekniikka|k=en kanta, istukka; holkki, hylsy; muhvi

  4. (sähkötekniikka) pistorasia

  5. (tietotekniikka) suoritinkanta

  6. (tietoliikenne) pistoke

Esimerkkejä socket sanan käytöstä:

eye socket ‒ silmäkuoppa

the socket of a candlestick ‒ kynttiläpesä

A program that wishes to receive a connection from another program, asks the operating system to create a socket and bind it to some port.

Liittyvät sanat: plug



  1. lampun kanta, astia, säiliö, pistorasia, holkki, hylsy, istukka, muhvi, ontelo.

Lisää synonyymejää



muhvi, hylsy, istukka


ontelo puhekieltä An opening into which a plug or other connecting part is designed to fit (e.g. a light bulb socket).
puhekieltä A hollow into a bone which a part fits, such as an eye, or another bone, in the case of a joint.
puhekieltä One endpoint of a two-way communication link, used for interprocess communication across a network.
puhekieltä One endpoint of a two-way named pipe on Unix and Unix-like systems, used for interprocess communication.
To place or fit in a socket.
1941, (w), (w), Chapter 6,

Her head and trunk were carved out of, or rather into, the bole of a great red cedar. She seemed to be part of the tree itself, as if she had grown there at its heart, and the carver had only chipped away the outer wood so that you could see her. Her arms were spliced and socketed to the trunk, and were flung wide in a circling, compelling movement.


socket rimmaa näiden kanssa:

market, supermarket

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