


  1. torkut

  2. herätyskellon torkkupainike



  1. nukkuminen, nokoset, nokkaunet, päiväunet, torkut, tirsat, siesta, torkahtaa, torkkua, nuokkua, ottaa nokkaunet, ottaa nokoset.

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torkahtaa puhekieltä To sleep, especially briefly; to nap.

The boss caught him snoozing at his desk.

puhekieltä To pause; to postpone for a short while.
2003, Ken Slovak, Absolute Beginners Guide to Microsoft Office Outlook 2003'' (page 110)
It enables you to dismiss the reminder, dismiss all reminders, open the highlighted item in the Reminder dialog, and snooze the reminder. Snoozing a reminder is similar to hitting the snooze button on an alarm clock(..)
2007, Sue Mosher, Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming (page 359)
Let's say you want to see all your reminders, but you don't want it to be too easy to snooze the ones for important items.
2011, Dan Gookin, Bill Loguidice, Motorola ATRIX For Dummies (page 40)
To snooze the phone, press and release the power button.
A period of sleep; a nap.

The cat enjoys taking a snooze on a sunny windowsill.

Something boring.

The whole movie was a snooze.

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