


  1. töhriä

  2. voidella

Esimerkkejä smear sanan käytöstä:

The artist smeared paint over the canvas in broad strokes.

She smeared her lips with lipstick.

Liittyvät sanat: smear campaign



  1. erehdys, virhe, kämmi, moka, tahra, täplä, rasvatahra, läikkä, kostuttaa, syyttää, moittia, halventaa, herjata, häpäistä, panetella, parjata, solvata, mustata, tahrata, haukkua, mustamaalata, vetää lokaan, liata, tuhota, tuhria, töhriä.

Lisää synonyymejää



tahrata, vetää lokaan



rasvatahra puhekieltä To spread (a substance, especially one that colours or is dirty) across a surface by rubbing.

The artist smeared paint over the canvas in broad strokes.

puhekieltä To have a substance smeared on (a surface).

She smeared her lips with lipstick.

puhekieltä To damage someone's reputation by slandering, misrepresenting, or otherwise making false accusations about an individual, their statements, or their actions.

''The opposition party attempted to smear the candidate by spreading incorrect and unverifiable rumors about their personal behavior.

puhekieltä To become spread by smearing.

The paint is still wet — dont touch it or it will smear.''

puhekieltä To climb without using footholds, using the friction from the shoe to stay on the wall.
A mark made by smearing.

This detergent cleans windows without leaving smears.

puhekieltä A Pap smear.

Im going to the doctor's this afternoon for a smear.''

A false attack.
puhekieltä A maneuver in which the shoe is placed onto the holdless rock, and the friction from the shoe keeps it in contact
puhekieltä A rough glissando in jazz music.


smear rimmaa näiden kanssa:

maar, cheddar, udar, agar, agar-agar, askar, mar, huhmar, piennar, ojanpiennar

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