


  1. sulkea

  2. lopettaa


englanti to lock
to stop (come to an end)
to quit (e.g. school, a job or a habit)
to cease doing something

Sluta skrika!

Stop screaming!

to finish; to have as a result (from a competition)

Hon slutade på andra plats i tävlingen.

She finished as runner-up in the competition.

to close, to shut; to obstruct an opening
to connect the ends of a curve so that it no longer has any beginning nor end
puhekieltä to retract within oneself; to reduce one's connections with other people
to strike (a deal)

De slöt en överenskommelse om att fortsätta förhandlingarna.

They struck a deal about continuing the negotiations.


sluta rimmaa näiden kanssa:

haluta, kaluta, meluta, piiluta, koluta

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