

  1. potkurivirta, jättöpyörre, voimakas virta, virtaus.

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potkurivirta The low-pressure zone immediately following a rapidly moving object, caused by turbulence.
puhekieltä A genre of fantastic or non-realistic fiction that crosses conventional genre boundaries.
To take advantage of the suction produced by a slipstream by travelling immediately behind the slipstream generator.

Although dangerous, over-the-road truck drivers sometimes slipstream with each other to save fuel.

puhekieltä To incorporate additional software (such as patches) into an existing installer.
2003, William Boswell, Inside Windows Server 2003‎
You do this by slipstreaming the updates into the distribution folder.
2004, Ed Bott, Carl Siechert, Craig Stinson, Microsoft Windows XP inside out
A better solution is to create a bootable Windows XP installation CD slipstreamed with the current service pack...
2005, Jesper M Johansson, Steve Riley, Protect your Windows network: from perimeter to data‎
It is illegal to distribute slipstreamed CDs. In some locales, it may also be illegal to create them.


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