


  1. uni, unitila

Liittyvät sanat: sleeper



  1. nukkuminen, uni, ortodoksinen uni, hiljainen uni, NREM-uni, nonrapid eye movement, NREM, paradoksinen uni, vilkeuni, REM-uni, terveydentila, fysiologinen tila.

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mahtua nukkumaan



nukkuminen puhekieltä To rest in a state of reduced consciousness.

You should sleep 8 hours a day.

puhekieltä (Of a spinning top or a yo-yo) to spin on its axis with no other perceptible motion.
1854, Anne E. Baker, Glossary of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases
A top sleeps when it moves with such velocity, and spins so smoothly, that its motion is imperceptible.

When a top is sleeping, it is spinning but not precessing.

puhekieltä To cause (a spinning top or yo-yo) to spin on its axis with no other perceptible motion.
1995, All Aboard for Space: Introducing Space to Youngsters (page 158)
Yo-yo tricks involving sleeping the yo-yo (like "walking the dog" and "rocking the baby") cannot be performed in space.
puhekieltä To accommodate in beds.

This caravan can sleep up to four people.

puhekieltä To be slumbering in (a state).

to sleep a dreamless sleep


To be careless, inattentive, or unconcerned; not to be vigilant; to live thoughtlessly.
We sleep over our happiness.
To be dead; to lie in the grave.
Bible, 1 Thessalonians iv. 14
Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
To be, or appear to be, in repose; to be quiet; to be unemployed, unused, or unagitated; to rest; to lie dormant.

a question sleeps for the present; the law sleeps

How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
puhekieltä to wait for a period of time without performing any action



  • sleepaa: liukua perässä : Olla sleepissä (hinauksessa).

  • sleepi: perävaunu

  • Sliipparit: Sleepy Sleepers -rockyhtye


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hep, jep, quickstep

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