

  1. vyyhti, kieppi, lankavyyhti.

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vyyhti, lankavyyhti A quantity of yarn, thread, or the like, put up together, after it is taken from the reel. A skein of cotton yarn is formed by eighty turns of the thread around a fifty-four inch reel.
puhekieltä A web, a weave, a tangle.
1923, Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Creeping Man:

The practical application of what I have said is very close to the problem which I am investigating. It is a tangled skein, you understand. and I am looking for a loose end.
puhekieltä The membrane of a fish ovary.
(qualifier) A metallic strengthening band or thimble on the wooden arm of an axle.


puhekieltä A group of wild fowl, (e.g. goose geese, goslings) when they are in flight.
puhekieltä A winning streak.
To wind or weave into a skein
(kvæði) scratch, small wound
shone, singular past tense form of skína (to shine)
(is-conjugation of)
(form of)


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