


  1. varjo

  2. varjostaja



  1. ennakkovaroitus, ennakkoaavistus, enteily, aavistus, varjo, seuraaja, pimentää, tummentaa, seurata, seurata salaa, varjostaa, kohota yli, hallita, nousta yläpuolelle, jättää varjoonsa, saada näyttämään pieneltä.

Lisää synonyymejää




jättää varjoonsa

varjo A dark image projected onto a surface where light (or other radiation) is blocked by the shade of an object.


Relative darkness, especially as caused by the interruption of light; gloom, obscurity.
Night's sable shadows from the ocean rise.
In secret shadow from the sunny ray, / On a sweet bed of lilies softly laid.
puhekieltä A reflected image, as in a mirror or in water.


That which looms as though a shadow.
(RQ:Schuster Hepaticae V)
Hepaticology, outside the temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere, still lies deep in the shadow cast by that ultimate "closet taxonomist," Franz Stephani—a ghost whose shadow falls over us all.
A small degree; a shade.
(quote-journal) (London)|date=5 December 2015|url=
Bible, James i. 17
no variableness, neither shadow of turning
An imperfect and faint representation.

He came back from war the shadow of a man.

the neopagan ritual was only a pale shadow of the ones the Greeks held thousands of years ago

Bible, Hebrews x. 1
the law having a shadow of good things to come
types and shadows of that destined seed
One who secretly or furtively follows another.
Sin and her shadow Death
A type of lettering form of word processors that makes a cubic effect.
An influence, especially a pervasive or a negative one.
(quote-book)The Reformation is the shadow of Luther: Quakerism of Fox: Methodism of Wesley: Abolition of Clarkson.
A spirit; a ghost; a shade.
Shakespeare Macbeth act 3 scene 4
The baby of a girl. Hence, horrible shadow!
puhekieltä An uninvited guest accompanying one who was invited.
puhekieltä In Jungian psychology, an unconscious aspect of the personality.


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