


  1. myydä

  2. mennä kaupaksi

Esimerkkejä sell sanan käytöstä:

sells like hotcakes

Liittyvät sanat: buy



  1. myynti, myydä loppuun, tehdä kauppaa, antautua, luovuttaa, antaa, luopua, myydä, kavaltaa, pettää.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: sellainen, sellakka, selleri, sellerikaali, selleripihvi, sellerisuola.





myynti puhekieltä To transfer goods or provide services in exchange for money.
Bible, (w) xix. 21

If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor.


puhekieltä To be sold.
To promote a product or service.
2016, "The Fetal Kick Catalyst", (w)
Howard: You're gonna feel terrible when I'm in a wheelchair. Which, by the way, would fit easily in the back of this award-winning minivan.
Bernadette: Fine, we'll go to the E.R. Just stop selling me on the van.
Howard: You're right. It sells itself.
To promote a particular viewpoint.
puhekieltä To trick, cheat, or manipulate someone.
{{quote-journal|date=January 12, 2011|author=Saj Chowdhury|work=BBC
puhekieltä To pretend that an opponent's blows or maneuvers are causing legitimate injury; to act.
An act of selling.

This is going to be a tough sell.

An easy task.
puhekieltä An imposition, a cheat; a hoax.
1919, w:William Somerset Maugham|W. Somerset Maugham, w:The Moon and Sixpence|The Moon and Sixpence, s:The Moon and Sixpence/Chapter XII|ch. 12
"Of course a miracle may happen, and you may be a great painter, but you must confess the chances are a million to one against it. It'll be an awful sell if at the end you have to acknowledge you've make a hash of|made a hash of it."
1922: What a sell for Lena! - (w), The Dolls House (Selected Stories, Oxford Worlds Classics paperback 2002, 354)
puhekieltä A seat or stool.


puhekieltä A saddle.
1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, II.ii:
turning to that place, in which whyleare / He left his loftie steed with golden sell, / And goodly gorgeous barbes, him found not theare ....
puhekieltä A rope (usually for tying up cattle, but can also mean any sort of rope).
look, glance
that one
1954, Albert F. Buffington, A Pennsylvania German grammar, pages 32 and 81:
sell Haus datt driwwe
: that house over there
In sellem alde Glaawe maag en bissel Waahret schtecke.
: In that old belief there may be a bit of truth.
To (l).


  • sello: takapuoli (naisen) : Kato ton muijan selloo!


sell rimmaa näiden kanssa:

baseball, goodwill, rock and roll

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